Thursday Jun 01 2017

Torsdagsmix Glud

Museumsvænget 2 A, 7130 Juelsminde, Juelsminde 7130, Denmark Judith Solanas ISCA
  • Where Juelsminde,
  • Event Start

Thursday-Mix is for people who want to play with and against other than those you know from training and tournaments. Game for last Thursday-Mix It is played doubles with solid mate - though it need not be the same partner each game night, and one need not be from the same club, but you will find its mate. On each match day played three rounds against different opponents and played for the Swiss ladder system. Points are given according to the following scale Win = 10 points + 1 points (for each excess of 3 points) 0 to defeat. Won points follow each player throughout the season and at the end of each season crowned "This year's winner" as is / are the players who have the most points. Enrollment pm. 18.00. Game Start at. 18.30.